room signs

4 Things Learned in Kindergarten That’ll Help with Your Office Signs

So how can kindergarten help you with your office signs?  My daughter happens to be in kindergarten so I can say first-hand what I’m now – re-learning. First, less is better!  A cluttered drawing is less desirable than an uncluttered one and the same holds true for office signs.  When in doubt with how to

Office Signs that Float?

Need office signs with a little dimension? These office signs are crafted with small brackets attached to the back of the sign frames which make them stand off or “float” approximately one-quarter inch from the wall. Common applications include room signs, door signs, directional and wayfinding in universities, office buildings, churches and numerous other locations.  The

Custom Office Sign Creations

As if the inherent flexibility wasn’t enough, it is now possible to customize your office sign or room sign with additional accessories.  The line of MCFT curved office signs now support these add-on accessories to accommodate the ever-growing demands of today’s project specifications. For example, you may have a horizontal curved office sign frame like